
Saturday, November 19th Sunday, November 20th Monday, November 21st Tuesday, November 22nd

Saturday, November 19th

All times are Eastern Time (GMT-5).

Parenthetical after each talk indicates Long/Short/Poster presentation and (I)n-person or (V)irtual.

Time Description
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM Welcome and Logistics - Jamie Macbeth
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Session 1 - Chair: Mak Roberts
  1. Sravya Kondrakunta, Venkatsampath Raja Gogineni and Michael Cox, Agent Goal Management using Goal Operations - (Long, I) (on Slack #paper01_2022_kondrakunta)
  2. Will Bridewell, Taking the Intentional Stance Seriously: A Guide to Progress in Artificial Intelligence - (Long, I) (on Slack #paper02_2022_bridewell)
  3. Aaron Stockdill, Grecia Garcia Garcia, Peter Cheng, Daniel Raggi and Mateja Jamnik, Cognitive Modeling of Interpretations of Representations - (Long, I) (on Slack #paper03_2022_stockdill)
2:45 PM - 3:05 PM Break
3:05 PM - 3:45 PM Session 2 - Chair: Arnav Jhala
  1. Pat Langley and Edward Katz, Motion Planning and Continuous Control in a Unified Cognitive Architecture - (Short, I) (on Slack #paper04_2022_langley)
  2. Sadaf Ghaffari and Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Detecting and Accommodating Novel Types and Concepts in an Embodied Simulation Environment - (Short, I) (on Slack #paper05_2022_ghaffari)
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM Invited talk - Mei Si
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Title: Virtual Humans and Interactive Storytelling - (on Slack #invited01_2022_si)
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Break and Poster Setup
4:45 PM - 6:30 PM In-Person Poster Session and Reception
  1. Robert L. Kirby, Knowledge Representation Integrating Conditional Probabilities, Closure Logic, and Primitives - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper06_2022_kirby)
  2. Christopher Geib, Jeffrey Rye and Vasanth Sarathy, Portals and Spaces: An Egocentric Knowledge Representation for Reasoning About Actions and its Implementation - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper07_2022_geib)
  3. Jacob Morosco and Yuchou Chang, Visual Inference Using Homology of Human and Machine Vision Systems - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper08_2022_morosco)
  4. Venkatsampath Raja Gogineni, Sravya Kondrakunta and Michael Cox, Multi-agent Goal Delegation Using Theory of Mind - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper09_2022_gogineni)
  5. Dustin Dannenhauer, Noah Reifsnyder, AJ Regester and Matthew Molineaux, Transforming Environments to Evaluate Agent Adaptation - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper10_2022_dannenhauer)
  6. David Sekora, Addressing the Scaling Problem for Embodied Symbolic Reasoning - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper11_2022_sekora)
  7. Alex Arnold and Jeff Heflin, Learning a More Efficient Backward-Chaining Reasoner - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper12_2022_arnold)
  8. Yida Xin, Henry Lieberman and Pedro Colon-Hernandez, Asking Language Models to Explain Pronoun-Ambiguous Sentences - (Poster, I) (on Slack #paper37_2022_xin)
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Virtual Poster Session
  1. Megan McKenzie, Alexis Kilayko, Jamie C. Macbeth, Scott Carter, Katharine Sieck and Matthew Klenk, Script Combination for Enhanced Story Understanding and Story Generation Systems - (Poster, V) (on Slack #paper13_2022_mckenzie)
  2. James Kirk, Robert Wray, Peter Lindes and John Laird, Improving Language Model Prompting in Support of Semi-autonomous Task Learning - (Poster, V) (on Slack #paper14_2022_kirk)
  3. Sungeun An, Jennifer Hammock, Spencer Rugaber and Ashok Goel, Contextualized Access to Large-Scale Domain Knowledge for Conceptual Modeling of Agent-Based Systems - (Poster, V) (on Slack #paper15_2022_an)
  4. Braeden Lane, Connor Morgan, Kai Vickers, Max Woods, and Andrew Nuxoll, Towards an Artificial, General Episodic Memory via Learning in Noisy, Perceptually-Aliased Environments - (Poster, V) (on Slack #paper16_2022_lane)


Last updated on November 20, 2022