Long talks
- The Problem with Problems. Michael Cox.
- A Broader Range for ‘Meaning the Same Thing’: Human Against Machine on Hard Paraphrase Detection Tasks. Jamie Macbeth, Ella Chang, Yining Hua, Gin Chen, Sandra Grandic, and Winnie Zheng.
- Content-Centric Computational Cognitive Modeling. Sergei Nirenburg, Marjorie McShane, and Jesse English.
- Characterizing an Analogical Concept Memory for Architectures Implementing the Common Model of Cognition. Shiwali Mohan, Matthew Klenk, Matthew Shreve, Kent Evans, Aaron Ang, and John Maxwell.
- The Visual Narrative Engine: A Computational Model of the Visual Narrative Parallel Architecture. Chris Martens, Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, and Neil Cohn.
- Goal Elicitation Planning: Reasoning and Acting to Reveal Another Agent’s Goal. Adam Amos-Binks and Rogelio E.Cardona-Rivera.
- Not Quite Any Way You Slice It: How Different Analogical Constructions Affect Raven’s Matrices Performance. Yuan Yang, Keith McGreggor, and Maithilee Kunda.
- A Cognitive Task Analysis of Rapid Procedure Acquisition from Written Instructions. Pat Langley, Howard Shrobe, and Boris Katz.
- Learning Procedures by Augmenting Sequential Pattern Mining with Planning Knowledge. Melinda Gervasio and Karen Myers.
- Recognizing the Goals of Uninspectable Agents. Irina Rabkina, Pavan Kantharaju, Jason Wilson, Mark Roberts, Kenneth Forbus, and Laura Hiatt.
- Learning Hybrid Models for Variable Impedance Control of Changing-Contact Manipulation Tasks. Saif Sidhik, Mohan Sridharan, and Dirk Ruiken.
- Neurosymbolic AI for Situated Language Understanding. Nikhil Krishnaswamy and James Pustejovsky.
- Optimizing Human Performance using Individualized Computational Models of Learning. Christopher Maclellan, Kimberly Stowers, and Lisa Brady.
Short talks
- System-wide Monitoring for Anomaly Detection. Leilani Gilpin.
- Quotation for Real-Time Metacognition. Matthew D. Goldberg, Darsana Josyula, and Don Perlis.
- Model-Based Novelty Adaptation. Matt Klenk, Wiktor Piotrowski, Roni Stern, Shiwali Mohan, and Johan deKleer.
- The CREDO Stack: From Theory to Practice in Cognitive Systems Design. John Fox.
- Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Learning of Indirect Speech Act Comprehension Norms. Ruchen Wen, Mohammed Aun Siddiqui, and Thomas Williams.
- Policy Regression for Monitoring Execution in Goal Reasoning Systems. Noah Reifsnyder and Hector Munoz-Avila.
- Enabling Morally Sensitive Robotic Clarification Requests. Ryan Blak Jackson and Tom Williams.
- Coordination in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Teams. Othalia Larue, Ion Juvina, Michael Cox, Matt Molineaux, Brue Howard, Eric Nichols, and Brad Minnery.
- Modeling Gestalt Visual Reasoning on Raven’s progressive Matrices Using Generative Image Inpainting Techniques. Tianyu Hua and Maithilee Kunda.
- Complexity of Agents in Non-stationary Environments: A Partial Computational Model.Vadim Bulitko and Valeriy K. Bulitko.
- OntoAgent: Implementing Content-Centric Cognitive Models.Jesse English and Sergei Nirenburg.
- Instructing a Cognitive Agent to Perform Sensemaking in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Gheorghe Tecuci, Dorin Marcu, Mihai Boicu and Louis Kaiser.
- Learning Hierarchical Task Networks with Landmarks and Numeric Fluents by Combining Symbolic and Numeric Regression. Morgan Fine-Morris, Bryan Auslander, Michael W. Floyd, Greg Pennisi, Héctor Muñoz-Avila and Kalyan Moy Gupta.
- A Measure of Visuospatial Skills: Painting the Big Picture. Joel Michelson, Deepayan Sanyal, James Ainooson and Maithilee Kunda.
- Integrating Declarative Long-Term Memory Retrievals into Reinforcement Learning. Justin Li.
- Toward Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Natural Language Generation. Poulomi Pal and Tom Williams.
- Computing Numeric Expectations for Cognitive Agents. Noah Reifsnyder and Hector Munoz-Avila.
- General Intelligence Requires Autonomous, Cognitive, Intentional Agents. Sean Kugele and Stan Franklin.
- Forgetting-Sensitive Referring Expression Generation for Integrated Robot Architectures. Tom Williams, Torin Johnson, Will Culpepper and Kellyn Larson.
- Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Learning of Indirect Speech Act Comprehension Norms. Ruchen Wen, Mohammed Aun Siddiqui and Thomas Williams.
- Analogy versus Rules in Cognitive Architecture. Kenneth Forbus, Tom Hinrichs, Maxwell Crouse and Joseph Blass.
- Strategies for Visuospatial Reasoning: Experiments in Sufficiency and Diversity. James Ainooson, Joel Michelson, Deepayan Sanyal, Joshua Palmer and Maithilee Kunda.
- Implementing a Task-Oriented Time-Situated Agent. Darsana Josyula, Anthony Herron and Kenneth M’Bale.
- Anticipatory Thinking: A New Frontier for Automated Planning. Adam Amos-Binks, Dustin Dannenhauer, Gene Brewer and Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera.
- Adaptive Event Retrieval for Episodic Memory. Colm Flanagan and Claude Sammut.
- Towards Goal Inference for Human-Robot Collaboration. Shree Gotteti, Matthew Molineaux and Michael Cox.
- A Model and a Method to Study Agency, Adaptation and Adult Development. Roger Gould.
- What Possible Use Could Consciousness Be?. Jousha Bensemann and Michael Witbrock.